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How to increase grass density with a customized spawner?


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I have watched this Gaia - Biomes - Textures tutorial made by Procedural Worlds. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvhg5ztri3g)

Following the tutorial, I've created my own spawner and a terrain detail rule that spawns grass prefabs with a Terrain Texture mask.

The density is very low visually.

1. I changed the Detail Density value under Spawning of the rule, but there's no change.

2. If I change the Detail Resolution of the terrain (built-in tool inspector) from 128 to 256 (it's a small Gaia terrain), then no grass will be displayed.

3, I increased the Detail Density value under the Terrain Detail Override script, there's no change (if I remember it right).

(I also tried the density option of the grass manager provided by the grass assets (it's just a multiplier), it doesn't help. The grass renderer of the assets only takes over the renderering of the grass, no other control. If I only use built-in terrain tool and the grass assets, the density can be set to the desired level.)


I'm using Unity 2021.3 and Gaia Pro 2021.

Thank you very much.

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  • unityBeginner changed the title to How to increase grass density with a customized spawner?

I just tried F11, please see the screenshots below. Before and after Detail Density was set to 1.

Flora has been Disabled for both grass rules, one is prefab grass and the other is texture.

After the detail density was set to 1 on the panel, we can see more grass, but they look different, it looks like they don't have specular, no receive or cast shadow, and they don't react to the Wind System of the grass shader. Also, the density is still not as high as expected.

But can we find out what the problem is with this change?

Thank you so much for your response.




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For the prefab grass you would want to just keep spawning and maybe increase the instances. 
Texture grass you could try to paint it or again keep spawning it 


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