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How to create maps for modern games with a hidden world and HDRIP graphics?


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(using a translator)  Hello, I wrote earlier before buying assets, now I have a professional subscription, the question is very important also: Now Sons Of The Forest has already been released, I have a very similar project in mechanics and environment, and I can't do it using HDRP and without it too - a large worked-out island with a dense forest, everything is very tormizit, although I used optimization recommendations, although the Sons Of The Forest developers did everything, how do I cut task

I mean, even the first forest perfectly processed a dense large forest measuring 3000 by 3000. If I take GAIA PRO and make the world 2000 by 2000 using a standard biome from the library, tried to optimize, and still everything is very slow? My PC has a good 32 RAM and a GTX 2080. I think many people are interested in the question of how I can use gaia to make maps with the open world and vegetation (observing modern standards)

do you plan to have an example of a demo scene for developing open-world games like Fantasy Kingdom HDRP, but with non-gen graphics, for example, as in the photo




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You can spawn the trees as game objects as explained in the ticket that you submitted. 
You would need to change the spawner type to game object instead of detail. 
If you are trying to get scriptable vegetation with mass placement. 
However, you are going to need to optimize your scenes heavily. 

Will we plan on creating more game-ready levels? 
Potentially in the future, right now not sure. 

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