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Gaia Pro 2021 (3.3.5) Synty spawner packs - weird terrain texturing "grid" and ignoring masks

Go to solution Solved by Peter,

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Working on a 2021.3.16f scene, I'm attempting to spawn just the textures onto my 14x14 (1024m each) terrain with the Synty Fantasy Kingdom and Polygon Nature biome texture spawners (multi-biome).


I attached screenshots of both biome complete masks (_mask), texture masks (_texturemask), and the result of spawing the world texture (_result).


When I "Spawn World" of Biome 1 (Fantasy Kingdom) I get a strange spot texture on each terrain and it's also ignoring the masked areas.


The "spotting" doesn't seem to happen with the polygon nature spawner (biome 2), although it does seem to ignore the mask of the biome as well and adds the texture to the entire layer of all terrains.


Can someone please point out where I might be going wrong, or if there's an issue with the PW spawner package(s)?







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  • Solution

Hi @HALOcreative,

please make sure the mask is set to "World Space" instead of "Local Space" - when the spawner processes a larger world, it is being applied multiple times until it has covered all locations. If the mask is in local space, the mask image will be scaled to fit that operation and then creates that grid pattern you were seeing.
In "World Space" the mask is scaled / positioned independent of the spawner and "stays in place" during the multiple spawns. 
Please also see "Local vs. World Mask space" in this article:

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