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How can I spawn (for example) traffic lights on road intersections?


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I used "Check Intersection bounds" to not spawn objects on intersections, but now I need to spawn some things on intersections. I think it would be great if the negative value on "Bounds Size (m)" represents that objects will spawn only in <Bounds Size (m)> range from the intersection.

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On 11/28/2022 at 8:53 AM, Hexus said:

I used "Check Intersection bounds" to not spawn objects on intersections, but now I need to spawn some things on intersections. I think it would be great if the negative value on "Bounds Size (m)" represents that objects will spawn only in <Bounds Size (m)> range from the intersection.

Hey @Hexus,

Could you please confirm if you are still experiencing the same issue with the latest version of GeNa Pro?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/1/2022 at 7:15 AM, Manny said:

Hey @Hexus,

Could you please confirm if you are still experiencing the same issue with the latest version of GeNa Pro?

I apologize for the long wait. I imported the new gena pro version and tried this one, so I confirm that I have the same issues with the latest version.

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17 hours ago, Manny said:

Could you please provide some screenshots of the road / river you are trying to spawn on?



Reminder: I need objects spawned ONLY on the intersection, not outside. Can I do this?

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This would be a bit interesting. 
The only way I can see you achieving this is to use the flow map and spawn in the center like you want. 
After the spawn you would then delete the extra spawns that you dont need. 

Only other option would be to create a spline on top of the road here and do the same thing. 
Although I think the first option would be the better one. 


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