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Gaia 2021 extremely slow spawner


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Using Gaia 2021, not the Pro version (if that makes a difference).  I have a spawner I created that takes hours to eventually make it through the spawning process.  If I create a new project and copy that spawner asset into it (with the other referenced prefabs/assets) it spawns quickly.  Other spawners in the problem project spawn quickly.  I've deleted and recreated the terrain, removed all the Gaia components from the scene and recreated them, cleared up the Gaia User Data directory, and it's still incredibly slow.


Any ideas on what might be causing it?

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PC Specs:

i9-9900k processor

64 GB Ram

RTX 3070 Ti


Objects are not complex, they are some low poly tree meshes with some scripts attached.  The spawner has 3 rules, one for each prefab.


Note that in a new project, I can spawn the exact same objects with the same spawner without issue (I copied them from the main project into the new project after other assets used had been imported).


I have tried using the problem spawner in a fresh scene in the main project, same issue.


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