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I cannot seem to be able to use Procedural Worlds after installing.


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I have downloaded / installed and imported Procedural Worlds into Unity, but for some reason I cannot seem to use it as per the instructions where it says to Add HDRP Time of Day as the option does not exist. Have I missed something here. I clicked on the Install HDRP also from Window / Procedural Worlds / HDRP Time of Day / Install ... which I then get the following


HDRP Time of Day Package was not found, this package is normally located at Assets/Pro...... 


Do I have to install this a different way than the normal Download / Install / Import?





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4 hours ago, thorntonp72 said:



I have downloaded / installed and imported Procedural Worlds into Unity, but for some reason I cannot seem to use it as per the instructions where it says to Add HDRP Time of Day as the option does not exist. Have I missed something here. I clicked on the Install HDRP also from Window / Procedural Worlds / HDRP Time of Day / Install ... which I then get the following


HDRP Time of Day Package was not found, this package is normally located at Assets/Pro...... 


Do I have to install this a different way than the normal Download / Install / Import?





Do you have any compile errors in the console? This would prevent code from compling and showing the HDRP tod menu items.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also having this problem.   My current project had an issue with the HDRP Time of Day.UnityPackage not loading, but after fixing that by reloading Unity I still can't get the "Add HDRP Time of Day" option to appear.  


I've also tried creating a brand new project, doesn't work there either with no errors in either project.


Unity Version 2021.3.12f1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Birdington, sorry it looks like we missed your reply in here. Do you see the Procedural Worlds folder in the project hierarchy and does it contain files after the package import?
Custom Menu entries like "Add HDRP Time of Day" are created from scripts that are included in the package. In this case the script that creates the menu entry is 
Assets\Procedural Worlds\HDRP Time Of Day\Scripts\Editor\HDRPTimeOfDayEditor.cs
If that script is present in your project, and there are no script compile errors visible in the console there is normally no reason why this custom menu entry would not appear. You can also press Control+R to force a refresh on the included scripts in case they were not picked up correctly after the package install. Also please make sure you are not running in "Safe Mode" as this might suppress the error messages in the console window.

Additionally I created a small test script for you to test the general functionality of custom menu entries in the project:


If you install the attached package into your project, you should see a custom window menu entry like this:


When clicking that entry, it displays a simple popup message. If that does not work in a new project, there seems to be a general issue with the Unity installation as this test script is kept as minimal as possible to just test the functionality of creating custom menu entries. 

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Hello Peter, thank you for your help.  I have to imagine its something simple that's going wrong so hopefully we can find it quick.


 I'm having trouble sharing the image here directly, so here's a link: ibb.co/cY4VtH4


I included in the image the menu test working and also that the editor script you mention appears to be in place.   I don't believe I am in safe mode from a quick search on that, though I'm somewhat unfamiliar with safe mode in Unity.



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Hi @Birdington , it is good news that the test menu entry worked, thanks for testing! This means script compilation works, and there is nothing preventing custom menu entries from appearing in general.
One other thing I wanted to ask: Do you see any other Procedural Worlds Menu Entries and is just the "Add HDRP Time Of Day" menu entry missing, or do you see no Procedural Worlds entry at all? (Please note that the Procedural Worlds entry can change position inside the Window menu depending on unity version)


The reason I'm asking is that the "Show Discord..." and "Show Procedural Worlds Assets..." entries are created by a different script, it would be interesting to see if those are working still and if it is just the HDRP entry that is missing, or if it is all PW entries altogether.

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The other line entries are there, see pic:  https://ibb.co/VLBWQvV


The install option is permanently there.  If I click it then the file HDRPTimeOfDay.UnityPackage file disappears, but the menu options don't change.  If I want to try to click install again I can re-import which will cause it to add just the unitypackage file again since everything else is still there.  Then if I click install again it shows the message in the screenshot

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Hi @Birdington, with this info I think the issue is not the menu entries, but rather there is some constellation with HDRP that leads to the installation entry still being displayed although the installation has already been performed. Do you have HDRP installed in your project and is HDRP the currently active render pipeline for this project? If it is not, you would need to install the High Definition render pipeline package from the package manager.
If you open
Edit > Project Settings > Player and check the scripting defines, do you see an entry for "HDPipeline" in there?


That entry should be added automatically when running in HDRP, but if it was missing it could explain the missing menu entry as well.

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That seems to have been the issue, its loading now as expected (at least I think lol)


Thank you for your help.  I'm unfamiliar with this all still and didn't even know what HDRP stood for or that it might mean I needed to change a setting in Unity.  I have much to learn, I'm looking forward to trying out the asset in the next few days.


Thanks again Peter

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Glad to hear it is working now! HDRP is one of the available render pipelines in unity and is a requirement to work with the HDRP Time Of Day System. We need to review the install process in that regard to see if we can detect that HDRP is not installed yet and display an appropriate link to save others from falling into the same trap.

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