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Make night brighter


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Hello I am using the Gaia Tod system I noticed that at one point at night it gets toodark and its almost impossible to see any fix to make the night a bit brighter I dont want this during the day tho because day is fine

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Hi @Mokyyyy we looked into this, and the night is indeed quite dark during the transition phase between day and night. This is due to the clouds reacting strongly to the change in light direction when the sun light source is exchanged with the moon and vice versa, the darkness helps to make a smoother transition. 
We made an alternative HDRP TOD profile for Gaia with brighter transitions between day and night, please find it attached to this reply. You can install it by importing the unitypackage in this zip file (Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...)  and then dragging and dropping the profile into the slot on top of the Time of Day system:


You can further customize the brightness during the night by adjusting the "General Exposure" curve found under the Advanced Lighting settings, hope this helps!


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