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Time of Day Creature Effects


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I was showing my Wife my Main Menu scene (Using Time of Day so it goes 24 hour cycles) and she asked me why I had butterflies coming out at night time instead of lightning bugs(Fireflies).  I had not really thought of it, but now that it is in my head I cannot help but think Time of Day would be so much cooler if it had different creatures at different times.


I plan to add it myself for my own thing, but it would be a cool addition imo to add alternatives to butterflies such as Lightning bugs(fireflies) or frogs croaking in the evening. Maybe even add Grasshoppers or Dragon Flies depending on the season.


It does seem odd seeing butterflies at night time and especially in the middle of a snow storm seeing butterflies fluttering about.  Again, each individual can tune their own game the way they want, but I thought it would be a nifty addition.

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