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How adjust Flattener Y height so that it is more closely aligned with surrounding terrain.

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I am using a GeNaSpawner to procedurally generate a scene. I am using a spawner that spawns a single prefab, inside of which is a flattener followed by 2 buildings. The hierarchy of the spawn prefab is as follows:

The flattener is configured as follows:

The batch root has an unpacker on it and is position 0,0,0 scale 1,1,1

Each of the building prefabs contains the following setup:


When the runtime spawner spawns in to the scene, it is raising the terrain level much higher than the surrounding terrain:


Am I missing a configuration setting in the spawner or on the flattener?


Oh, the logic I use to spawn the instance:

private void Spawn(GeNaRuntimeSpawner runtimeSpawner, UnityEngine.Terrain terrain)

            var terrainData = terrain.terrainData;
            for (int i = 0; i < runtimeSpawner._spawnAmount; i++)
                Vector3 randomPosition = terrainData.bounds.center +
                                         Random.insideUnitSphere * runtimeSpawner._spawnRadius;
                randomPosition.y = terrain.terrainData.GetHeight((int)randomPosition.x, (int)randomPosition.y);



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  • Solution

Hi @maaxiim,

when you drag and drop one of those prefabs with the flattener on it in the scene view, and you select the object / child that has the flattener on it, does the visualization show the same offset as well? Or is this something that is only introduced during the runtime spawning?
Two reasons I know that might cause this:

- The object holding the flattener decorator is a child that has an offset against the parent transform on the y-axis

- The terrain is not aligned at y=0

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