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Terrain suddenly loading in chunks?


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Hello, I’ve suddenly had a strange issue with Gaia terrain, where it only loads only segments of the terrain and no longer the full terrain in both Scene and game view. (Both in and out of play mode)

It dose move the rest of the terrain when moving around. 

However I can seem to figure out how to stop/and or increase the amount scene.

Anyone know how to fix this issue?

Thank you for your time.



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Have you checked the terrain loader attached to the player? 
You may need to adjust that and see if that works. 
I would try to increase the distance at which they load? 


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In addition to what Bryan has said above: Can you tell if it is ENTIRE, COMPLETE TERRAINS that are missing, or do you rather have the feeling it is just smaller parts of terrains that are not displayed? From the screenshots it looks like smaller chunks are missing:


Do the missing chunks change when you move the camera around? If yes, this could be the occlusion culling feature of unity or of any additional optimization asset that hides things from the camera that cannot be seen because another object is in front of it at that moment.

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