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Terrain is blue for Terrain Texture

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I have been creating my own Biome with spawners. While testing Terrain Textures everything works fine.

However when I import or use my premade Biome in another project, one of the Textures when used turns the whole Terrain Blue.

Turning this texture off fixes the problem, however remaking the rules still causes the Terrain to turn blue when using this specific Texture.



What would be causing this texture to turn everything blue when it was working fine in another project?

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Hi @Hadrian could it be that the project that turns black runs HDRP & the total number of textures exceeds 8 with the additional texture? The terrain turning black is a classic issue of HDRP terrains with the default unity terrain shader when more than 8 textures are added to the terrain. The blue surface you are seeing should not be the actual terrain, this is just the gizmo for the water plane from one of the Gaia tools.
In general Gaia does not influence the terrain rendering by itself directly, the rendering result should be the same as if you would add those textures to the terrain manually and would paint them on per hand.
If that is not it, I would try to isolate the problem further, for example does it work when you add that problematic texture as a single texture on a fresh terrain in the target project?

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