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Gaia Takes Ages To Exit Play Mode


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Whenever I'm exiting play mode the unity editor takes about 2 minutes, I'm sure it's a Gaia issue because when unity finishes it shows this error image.png.8329148719717cbe6d9511536545cbaa.png

How can I fix this?



Edited by namusanga
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This is beyond our control. I have noticed how this has become much slower as well.

It is a common Unity issue. It is also influenced by scene size and complexity. Here is something i found on internet.

Would be interesting to see if it makes a difference for you:


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When exiting play mode, unity has to reload everything, scenes, scene meta data and mono behaviours etc. Depending how big your scene is that would be the main cause of slow load times. 

When working in big scene we always recommend using SSD or M. 2 drives for fast data loading times. 


The solution that Adam suggested does work in most cases just make sure the reload domain and scene are set to false otherwise enabling this is redundant.


Also be sure to always stay up to date on the latest Gaia version, if you still have issues on latest version then could be unity version you are using or hardware related. Make sure to use a fast hard drive and have enough ram 🙂

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11 hours ago, namusanga said:

Whenever I'm exiting play mode the unity editor takes about 2 minutes, I'm sure it's a Gaia issue because when unity finishes it shows this error image.png.8329148719717cbe6d9511536545cbaa.png

How can I fix this?



To add to what other mentioned.


This can get worse, if your project file is large.... and you lack the memory to handle it.   (clean out your temp files as well, and make sure your Hard drive has 100gb ... make sure its not lacking space, any of that will cause slow downs as well. to the above mention things .



Also to add , what Adam is talking about, make sure to check any custom scripts you may have, I came across this and adjusted some of my own work. 


So, read this in whole.  You will need to adjust scripts if you have custom ones or some other ones causing this as well.


I would test this with Gaia only in your  project.  with a new one to make sure nothing else is causing it.

Read below.

How to modify your scripts correctly when you’ve disabled Domain Reload



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@Josh You mentioned that scene size might be the cause, our scene is actually very small, we load all the terrain from separate scenes, which is why I was wandering if it's possible that unity is actually trying to do something to the other scene unnecessarily. 

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