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Tutorials for setting up Gaia Pro 2021 for Quest 2?


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Can someone please point me to any up-to-date resources for setting up VR using the quest 2 headset? Is there a section in Canopy devoted to VR/XR implementation?  I found a few older posts that appear to be out of date.  When I import Gaia Pro 2021 into a project, it gives a link to step-by-step instructions -- but it goes to a Portal that appears to be no longer operational.  The installer instructions also refer to using the XR Interaction Toolkit.  That no longer appears in the Unity Registry even when the experimental versions of plugins is checked.  I had VR with my Quest 2 working about 6 months ago but had put it on the back burner.  Both Unity and Gaia change so fast, it is hard to keep up.


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I managed to get GAIA terrains working in VR with Quest 2.  I had been trying to use the latest version of Unity (2021.3.6f1  LTS). When this version is loaded, the Unity registry does not show the XR Interaction Toolkit.  When I switched to 2020.3.6f1, the XR Interaction Toolkit shows up and functions properly.  

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Please keep us posted.  I want to do some Gaia on Quest too, but it doesn't look like I'll get to it this year.  I know Adam has been talking about trying VR development as well. 

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To access the XR Interaction toolkit in unity v.2021.3.x you can use the following git url:


You can install it directly using the Package Manager by using the + icon at the top left if the panel.

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