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Gaia Pro 2021 Biome Spawner and Range issue


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Issue 1
I have masks setup to spawn biomes as the tutorial videos instructed. The preview color mask looks correct, but it only spawns on 1 of the terrains that the mask covers.

Issue 2
I tried to make a new test scene with a similar map structure, and on that test run, the biome spawner doesn't properly "fit to world" and it appears to be only capturing 90% of the world size. It won't let me increase this value either.


Any help?

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You may need to check deeper in the resources of the spawner. 
Each texture is like a stack until the top layer. 
So sand spawns first and then grass, until the top layer of snow. 
I would check each resource and see what masks are attached to that. 

As far as the range is concerned the spawner range only goes so far.  
Spawning world should spawn all over the world. 
"fit to world" depends on the world size and spawner range limit. 
So this is normal. 

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35 minutes ago, Bryan said:

You may need to check deeper in the resources of the spawner. 
Each texture is like a stack until the top layer. 
So sand spawns first and then grass, until the top layer of snow. 
I would check each resource and see what masks are attached to that. 

As far as the range is concerned the spawner range only goes so far.  
Spawning world should spawn all over the world. 
"fit to world" depends on the world size and spawner range limit. 
So this is normal. 

Texture Issue
The layers don't have any limiting masks as suggested. I even tried to just apply a single blanket texture across the image mask but it only applied to the one terrain. I tried clearing all the resources from the terrains as well but nothing could get it to spawn across the array of terrains for that highlighted mask.

Range Issue
In my first screenshots, you'll notice the spawner range goes to the top left corner. This spawner limit issue did not exist until I tried to fix the texture issue (mentioned above) by recreating a new map and biome, and now I have the spawner range limit of 2047 (instead of 2560).

This is for a 5x5 1024 terrain / scene loader setup.

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My Spawner Range should be 2560 like it was before.

Even manually editing the biome controller forces it to revert back to 2047. Any way to override this? I can't even troubleshoot the texture issue until this bug is fixed. I saw someone else mention it in a different thread as well.


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Hi DestrucSean 

Regarding Issue 1: Could you please post a screenshot of the mask? I think this might be an issue of World Space vs Local Space settings in the image mask. For this case you want the mask to be in World Space, if it was in Local space the image would shrink and move with the spawner size / position.

You can read more about Local vs. World mask space in this article in chapter 7:


Regarding Issue 2: There is a maximum range for the spawner for technical reasons (at a certain point it would not be possible to draw the visualization anymore), but there is always the option to spawn the entire world which is independent from the spawner range. On the spawners you have a "spawn world" button that would apply the spawner to the entire world (regardless of the range), On the biome controller there is a "Spawn Area" setting that controls if the spawners will only be applied within the range or across the entire world as well:



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Hey Peter,

Before I created this post, my "Fit to World" button would recognize 2560 as the Spawner Range. However, it didn't actually spawn the textures properly (most of the time) as you can see in the screenshot. It did randomly work one day this week, but the random buggy texture spawner behavior started again within an hour of it working.

In an effort to resolve this, I loaded up the Gaia Manager to see Tools / options. I noticed that my Gaia Manager was incorrectly identifying my 5x5 terrain as a single terrain. So I found the TerrainSceneProperties and adjusted the X/Y tiles from 1:1 to 5:5 within the inspector.

Now, Gaia Manager recognizes my current terrain as 5x5 for the 'existing world' details, but perhaps this limited my Spawner Range to 2047? I was hoping to get that 2560 Spawner Range back for simplicity, because it allowed me to quickly place my mask with the click of a button for each biome.

The Spawn World button using a World mask space does actually work if I manually move the spawner transform and set the scale. That same spawn world button did not work when I had the 2560 spawner range and a bugged Gaia Manager.

I can work around this by manually moving around my world space biome masks I guess. It is just annoying, because the biome spawner transform resets every time I set spawn the biome. This becomes pretty daunting for 7 biomes.

Thanks for your help Peter and Bryan. Keep me posted if you can find a way to get the fit to world option working reliably.

3 hours ago, Peter said:

Hi DestrucSean 

Regarding Issue 1: Could you please post a screenshot of the mask? I think this might be an issue of World Space vs Local Space settings in the image mask. For this case you want the mask to be in World Space, if it was in Local space the image would shrink and move with the spawner size / position.

You can read more about Local vs. World mask space in this article in chapter 7:


Regarding Issue 2: There is a maximum range for the spawner for technical reasons (at a certain point it would not be possible to draw the visualization anymore), but there is always the option to spawn the entire world which is independent from the spawner range. On the spawners you have a "spawn world" button that would apply the spawner to the entire world (regardless of the range), On the biome controller there is a "Spawn Area" setting that controls if the spawners will only be applied within the range or across the entire world as well:




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