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Gaia gets unrecoverably disconnected from itself


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This is not the first time I've had the same result, but the cause each time is different.

Gaia forgets about the terrains from the Terrain Loader and there seems to be no way to get the various components connected again.

This has already happened in the following scenarios (the previous time I started over again but this time that is not an option):

- happened when accidentally triggering world builder
- happened when importing unrelated assets with broken scripts
- happened when updating Unity (this time)

The symptoms are that the game scene is opened with none of the nested terrain scenes in the hierarchy. In the Terrain Loader the scenes (from the saved session) show, but clicking load does nothing.

I can drag the terrain scenes to the hierarchy to load the terrain, but I cant do anything with them:

- Biomes suggest to 'spawn runtime'
- Gaia manager greys out all 'advanced options'
- Spawn runtime creates no change
- Update terrains only unloads all of the existing terrains, but also enables the advanced options
- Adding a biome from advanced options actually adds nothing
- Trying to export meshes only unloads the terrains and exports nothing
- Setup project shows Install Shaders in red each time the manager is opened (clicking it fixes it but it returns each time, this symptom could be a bug with the unity version though, I don't know)
- Terrain Loader Manager is present in hierarchy and has a list of the terrains from the session but even when manually adding the terrain scenes to the hierarchy, the loader doesnt recognize they are there - can't unload/load them
- If "remove scenes" from the loader manager in order to re-ingest them, then the loader and terrains sections disappear from the UI, so I cant - Yikes, it also deletes the scenes from the session, so now may be unrecoverable!?

How to I make Gaia start treating the terrains as gaia terrains again?

It's a HDRP project with the latest update of Gaia Pro



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Hey there, we are taking a look at this! 

Gaia still uses the standard Unity Terrain system. 
So any asset that would add to the Unity Terrain system could potentially cause an issue. 
However, I have yet to see anything that would cause this to happen. 

The Unity update to a different version should also be fine, I update constantly for support. The only issue here is updating to a non official Unity release (beta versions). 

Clicking on the world designer shouldnt cause this issue either. You have the ability to change your world on purpose (sometimes I do this as well, and click on the world designer by accident). 

We will look into this and see what we can do about it though! 

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If you can send the project, that would help a lot, if we open it and see the same "disconnectedness" we should be quickly able to tell what is going on. I will send you a link for uploading in a DM.
One thing that you also could investigate is the state of the "TerrainSceneStorage" data object referenced in the Terrain Loader Manager.


It holds metadata for the Terrain Scenes that can be loaded and unloaded, think of it as a small database. When you double click on it, you can see the information stored in there.
If the loading does not work, you could check if:

  • The Terrain Loader Manager references the correct Terrain Scene Storage object (The "correct" one would be the TerrainScenes file found in the session folder of the session that was used to create the terrains. You can also check in the Session Manager object which session file it points to, then you would have the name of the session folder)
  • The paths to the scene files in there are correct (no broken paths or double slashes,
  • The scene files in there exist at that spot (normally all terrain scene files should be stored in a folder called "Terrain Scenes" in the session folder)
  • If you can load those scene files in manually by either double clicking on them, or right click "Open Scene Additive"

If all of the above is true, I could not think of a reason why it would not load those scenes in when clicking the Load button in the Terrain Loader Manager, especially if it not displays an error message because e.g. it could not find the scene file or any other programming error.

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@newcolours I took a peek at the project, but most of the folders seem to be missing, especially the Gaia User Data folder seems to be empty - this would be most important, without the session, the terrain scene storage and the scene files there is not much I can look at to try to reproduce the issue since all the data is missing.

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5 hours ago, Peter said:

@newcolours I took a peek at the project, but most of the folders seem to be missing, especially the Gaia User Data folder seems to be empty - this would be most important, without the session, the terrain scene storage and the scene files there is not much I can look at to try to reproduce the issue since all the data is missing.

Thanks, Yeah OneDrive was being really weird and telling me it was all synced while showing the wrong icons in the web UI, I'll try again 😕

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Somebody on your team already wrote to me, the project is uploaded to one drive now. The new problem is getting it to download on your computers ...because Microsoft

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